This post on A Beautiful Mess inspired me to make these fun, cute custom make up brushes. This was a reeally quick'n'easy project but it makes my bathroom cabinet look so much more put together and stylish! I love that my brushes are a matching set now, instead of the mishmash of collected colours and brands I had before.
You'll need:
A handful of make up brushes you want to perk up
Masking tape
Base colour paint
Top colour paint - or do like I did and use a Sharpie
A paintbrush
Step 1: Use the masking tape to protect any areas of the brush you don't want to paint. I sealed off the heads of the brushes where they changed colour, leaving the metal necks unpainted.
Step 2: Lightly sand off the handles of your brushes until the wood acquires a rougher, unfinished texture which will help the paint stick on better.
Leave the brushes until they are touch dry. If your paint layers are thin this won't take long. You will probably need to put at least two or three coats of your base colour on to achieve max coverage.
Step 4: Once your brushes are fully dry, you can start the fun bit - decorating them! I copied ABM's simple black and white patterns because I thought they were the most beautiful (and really easy), and incidentally they also look quite a lot like the branding for the Topshop make up range. I used a black Sharpie instead of paint and a fine brush because it was WAY easier with much less potential for me to smear the nice black lines all over everything. It worked really well. Protip: aiming for a messy, handmade look made my inevitable mistakes look like a charming design feature instead of... well, mistakes.
I was really proud of these when I was done. Disproportionately proud, probably, considering how little effort they really were, but I think they look pretty great in a jar in my bathroom. Achievement!
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